The Silver Lining

Friday, 8 July 2011
My life these past few months has been a never ending cycle of looking for jobs and sending out CVs, with to be honest not much feedback. I've had a couple nibbles that never really went anywhere, a few emails saying sorry you have not been successful, but mostly just a lack of response. I did have one telephone interview, the woman had a lot of positive feedback on me but said unfortunately I didn't have quite the experience she required but would like to take me on in the future.

Today I had a proper bite, finally. I found the job yesterday, quite by accident, and applied. It was fantastic role for a global company based in Milton Keynes using all of my skills. I was really keen and decided I would send a follow up email today, just to make sure they'd received it. I got a response quickly saying that in fact yes they had received my application and would be very interested to have me in for an  interview. RESULT!!! This girl now has herself an interview for Monday afternoon! Everyone keep their fingers crossed.

As it happens, Luke is most likely going to have an interview next week, but in Manchester - the other side of the country! Wouldn't that just be our luck.

Erin x


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