Another Two Years
I am dreading when I have to apply for my settlement visa. I have until Sept 2014 until I have to submit the paperwork. I would be curious the length to process the visa is. I love following other expats, especially those here in the UK!
That. Is. Crazy.
You have to fill that out more than once in your lifetime? Hmmmm. I think it's time to grab that dual citizenship by the horns (if you can). We'll have to do the same for my 'better' half one day. REALLY looking forward to that!
(great wedding photos by the way - I've been trawling through the blog!)
Honestly, the settlement visa was a lot easier than the marriage visa, although expensive (£561 for me). Still that's cheaper than what I paid for the original marriage visa. I can't apply for dual citzenship for another two years, at least I think that's the next step, but I could be wrong!
You're all going to have so much fun with visas!
Erin x
Erin I'm so glad I found your blog! I've been wanting to find other's out there who have gone through this process more recently. I'm in the States waiting to get back to England where my English Fiance lives. I've been over for visits for the past few years, now it's been 1 year and 3 months since we've seen each other!! It's a money thing and I'm trying to sell all my stuff in the house.
I'd love to write to you more about our situation and keep in touch?
I'm glad you found it too! It's a long process but worth it in the end. I understand what it's like to have a long-distance relationship as well. We had to do the whole back and forth thing after we left France.
Any questions you have, feel free to email me at
Erin x
I always thought a suffocating bureaucracy when it comes to visas and such was a South African specialty, but perhaps it is a British thing after all, imposed on the South Africans by colonialism? The more I find out about other countries, the more I think Americans have nearly nothing to complain about when it comes to bureaucracy... Loved your expat blogs writing contest entry!
Hi Sine,
Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you liked my writing contest entry.
Unfortunately like you said I think there is bureaucracy in every country! I can't believe how many hoops we have to jump through. I briefly looked at bringing my husband to America and oh my! That is not going to be fun when we decide to make that move.
One of the reasons I like the EU is because it takes away some of those issues, anyone from any EU country can move to another! Lucky! If only I were French.
Erin x
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I have found any paperwork I have had to fill out to be the same here. :/ My husband's marriage visa expires this Autumn and he then has to apply for his intent to remain. It's a rather costly process that I'm not altogether looking forward too. My boys and I can stay as we are UK citizens...but my husband of ten years, different story. You definitely have to work hard for the visas here. Worth it though.
Bonnie Rose | A Compass Rose